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jhcable organization staff to carry out unpaid blood donation activities
On the morning of June 24, anhui jianghuai cable group employees gathered in the high ditch township government a bearing the words "unpaid blood donation, major" love blood donation car, waiting for unpaid blood donation activities.

In the process of examination, some colleagues worried that their blood does not meet the requirements for the donation, and nervous anxiety was palpable, kept asking if qualified, until after the doctor to give you a reply, they only show a smile, breathed a sigh of relief. On examination, there are several colleagues because unable to donate blood, a physical condition after a doctor repeatedly explanation, can only regret to leave the scene. They disappointed leave figure is silent, but reveals the unselfish personality charm.

Participate in unpaid blood donation staff have said, through donate their blood to help those who need treatment, is a citizen, relief, selfish ACTS of kindness, also is the duty of every citizen. When get belongs to own small red, they all reveal a delighted smile on his face. At that time, the blood donation site everywhere permeated with the joy of love and pride. After blood donation is the most moving many employees simply do a brief rest, and then went back to work, this spirit of selfless dedication, wuxi people respect.

Organize activities of the compulsory blood group leader Sun Jiyong said that donating blood is a public welfare activities organized by the company every year, stimulates the bone marrow hematopoietic stem cells in the blood donation activity, promote metabolism, enhance their own hematopoietic function, is advantageous to the circulation of the blood, and can help others, but also a way of enterprise to give back to society. Case like this, of course, is to do more more good, hope the masses are able to take an active part in blood donation activity, to help more people. Blood is limited, love is priceless. Company staff warm-hearted public welfare undertakings, sincere dedication social behavior shows a good image of the striking again.

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